If you would like to use a degree provided by the KLCU at another education institution, or for licensing or credentialing, or for advancement at your place of employment, we recommend that you contact that school, organization, agency, entity, etc., to confirm if a degree from KLCU is acceptable. This should be done before enrolling in any degree program.
There is no prior academic requirement for entry into a Diploma Program except for a willingness to learn and the ability to read and write.
For admission into the Associates program, a candidate is required to have a high school diploma, a GED, or equivalent, or at the discretion of KLCU.
To enroll in the Bachelors degree program, an Associates degree, the completion of sixty (60) credits, or its equivalent is required.
Entrance into the Masters degree program requires a Bachelors degree, the completion of 120 credits, or its equivalent
For admission into the Doctoral degree program, a candidate must have a Masters degree, the completion of 30 graduate level credits, or its equivalent.
Kingdom Life Christian University reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate a degree candidate for the following reasons:
All credit earned at KLCU is based upon quarterly credit. Each certificate, diploma, degree, and major, at each level, has a required core curriculum, and a required number of degree major and elective courses. These can be found in the catalog.
Some of the methods used to obtain credits include, but are not limited to, the following (this applies to both classroom and correspondence students):
A student may withdraw from a degree program at any time. However, KLCU requests that the intent be confirmed in writing. The student will receive a full refund of any payment made within seventy-two (72) hours of the enrolment date except the non-refundable application fee and 25% registration fee. If cancellation occurs after seventy-two (72) hours enrolment date no refund will be rendered. All academic program requirements and financial obligations must be met before any certificate, diploma, or degree will be awarded.
When submitting or mailing your application, you will also need to supply the following items:
To be a strong University exalting Jesus Christ, equipping intelligent students for diverse careers in their nations and around the entire world.
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